I walked into a recording studio with a backpack full of songs and ten thousand dollars to spend. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew I wanted to sing and I wanted my songs recorded. I had big plans to move to Nashville and I knew I needed a record to showcase myself as an artist. Looking back, I see how I did things all kinds of wrong, but I am grateful for the journey of which has led me to where I am. The songs are young... you can hear my amatuer lines and melodies throughout this record, but it is where I started as a songwriter. The studio is no longer in business, but I have remained in touch with most of the guys I worked with on this record.
It's been out of print for more than ten years, but I do get requests for it now and again... all I have are digital files to offer those of you who want to dig deep into my songwriting past and hear where I started. I hope you enjoy the ride.
1. Honey, It's you
2. Crazy Mary
3. Money Back
4. My Love
5. I Think You're Perfect
6. Still
7. All I Want
8. Dance In The Rain
9. Glory Days
10. Remember Me
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